NTT Docomo, the leading mobile phone operator in Japan, had its operations momentarily interrupted by a distributed denial-of-service attack on Thursday, hindering access to its mobile payment and webmail services, news website, video streaming platform, and golfing website, reports The Record, a news site by cybersecurity firm Recorded Future.
Most of the impacted services have since been restored but additional details regarding the identity of the intrusion's perpetrators have not been provided by the firm, which had been subjected to a ransomware attack by the now-defunct operation last year. Such targeting of NTT Docomo comes amid a slew of cyberattacks against Japanese organizations, including Japan Airlines that had to defer certain flights following a post-Christmas DDoS incident and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance that had thousands of policyholders' information at risk of compromise after a ransomware intrusion against its third-party vendor. Other recently breached Japanese entities include watchmaker Casio, electric motor and industrial parts maker Nidec, and media conglomerate Kadokawa.