Russia had its prosecutor general's website claimed to be compromised by Russian-speaking hacktivist operation RGB-TEAM, which admitted stealing a trove of data, including an archive with 100,000 Russian criminal records between 1993 and 2022 that has been leaked on Telegram, reports The Record, a news site by cybersecurity firm Recorded Future.
While the Information included in the criminal record archive exposed by RGB-TEAM, which claims to be "a community of anonymous hacktivists fighting for freedom," was confirmed to be legitimate by Russian independent investigative media outlet Important Stories, Russia's prosecutor general has yet to confirm the data leak.
The incident comes two months after a Russian prisoner database had been compromised by another anti-Russian hacktivist group in retaliation for the death of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny. Such hacktivist operation was also reported by CNN to have exploited the online commissary of the Russian prison system to reduce food prices.