Privacy, Data Security, Endpoint/Device Security, Identity
Over 300K Facebook user credentials compromised in Android malware campaign
Facebook credentials belonging to more than 300,000 users across 71 countries have been compromised by the Android threat campaign dubbed "Schoolyard Bully Trojan," reports The Hacker News.
Threat actors behind the campaign have disguised the Schoolyard Bully Trojan as legitimate education-themed apps, which have already been taken down from the Google Play Store but are still available on third-party app stores, a report from Zimperium showed.
Schoolyard Bully Trojan facilitates Facebook credential theft through the deployment of Facebook's login page in a WebView, where malicious JavaScript will be embedded for data exfiltration processes. Native libraries are also being leveraged by the trojan to avert antivirus detection.
"Attackers can cause a lot of havoc by stealing Facebook passwords. If they can impersonate someone from their legitimate Facebook account, it becomes extremely easy to phish friends and other contacts into sending money or sensitive information," said Zimperium Director of Mobile Threat Intelligence Richard Melick.
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