BleepingComputer reports that Telegram was revealed by independent news outlet 404 Media to have provided U.S. law enforcement with 2,253 users' IP addresses or phone numbers in response to 900 government requests last year.
Such figures represent a significant increase in government requests fulfilled by Telegram, which had only provided 108 users' information in response to 14 requests until September, when the messaging platform updated its privacy policy in aid of law enforcement probes for cybercrime and online fraud. The policy change — which comes after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested over his refusal to cooperate in crime investigations and other charges — has also resulted in the exit of various cybercrime operations from the platform. However, such a departure has yet to make a dent in the cybercrime landscape, according to KELA. Telegram's policy change would also be better measured in its next transparency report scheduled in April.