Cybernews reports that widely known threat actor USDoD has exposed a U.S. criminal database purportedly having 70 million rows of sensitive information dating from 2020 to 2024 allegedly exfiltrated by the SXUL threat operation.
Included in the sample of data leaked from the 22GB uncompressed database were individuals' full names, birthdates, addresses, aliases, conviction dates, and sentences. Details regarding the source of the database, as well as the veracity of the exposed data remain uncertain but Malwarebytes Labs researchers warned of the severity of the leak on the U.S. justice system, which comes just days after USDoD has claimed efforts to revive the recently disrupted BreachForums hacking site.
"USDoD is said to have plans to set up a successor to the second iteration of BreachForums, which was recently seized by law enforcement. Releasing this database may be USDoD’s way to round up some interested users," said Malwarebytes Labs.