2:00 PM ET

War Stories On The Path To Least Privilege

Live Webcast|1 hour

Some of the biggest breaches this year—Snowflake, Dell, UnitedHealth—have a common thread: Attackers exploited gaps in identity management, exposing critical failures in Least Privilege strategies. Is your organization next?

  • Learn from the experts: Hear firsthand accounts of painful experiences and lessons learned from major breaches.
  • Achieve true Least Privilege: Get actionable guidance on implementing effective Least Privilege strategies based on real-world insights.
  • Discover innovative solutions: Explore how Opal Security is addressing the challenges of Least Privilege with cutting-edge Posture Management.

Attendees will walk away equipped to better protect their organizations and stay out of the data breach headlines!


Umaimah Khan
CEO & Co-Founder
Opal Security

Umaimah Khan is the co-founder and CEO of Opal Security, a next-generation identity security company. As a mathematician and engineering leader, Umaimah knows first-hand the challenges of managing secure authorization and access management pathways. She began her career as a researcher in the federal government, before leading infra and security at several startups. Umaimah graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Ravi Maira
Opal Security
Adrian Sanabria
Principal Researcher
The Defenders Initiative

Adrian is an outspoken researcher that doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable truths. He loves to write about the security industry, tell stories, and still sees the glass as half full.


Opal Security