Ten years ago, a bored cyber-security expert named Andy Cuff set up a website on his kitchen table in Bath. Today, that website has become the go-to place for all the world's biggest security agencies.
Cuff had just set up his cyber-security business Computer Network Defence (CND) when he came up with the Security Wizardry Radar Page. At the time, he never imagined it would receive nearly 40,000 hits an hour or be used daily around the world with the NSA depending on it.
“Knowing that some of the finest security people in the world are depending on it, you realise just how big it has grown. There is also an app we've developed so security experts can keep in constant touch with the updates,” Cuff said in a news release.
The website is updated constantly with all the latest cyber-threats and used by government agencies and businesses to ensure their networks are capable of defeating them. The CND staff identifies vulnerabilities and uploads real-time alerts and virus news to the site.
The site has become a popular tool in the battle against cyber-criminals and enemy threats. The information from the radar page is used to help protect systems and networks to keep information safe.
“Cyber-security continues to grow at an exponential rate and the UK is one of the world's leaders in the field, which is why we set up a cyber-security recruitment division. It is now one of the oldest cyber-security recruitment agencies in the country.
“Our core business is working across the whole information security sector and being such a fast-moving area, we have to stay on top of what is going on. So as well as inputting the information on the wizardry website, we use it too,” Cuff concluded.