Every Friday, after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too. If not, there's always next week.
- A researcher challenges some of Gen. Keith Alexander's most boisterous critics at Black Hat, and ask how the community can debate the subject (or heckle) without key details surrounding the PRISM program.
- In case it got lost in the flurry of Black Hat and DefCon presentations last week, WhiteHat Security highlights two talks they believe were tops.
- A victim of iPhone theft probably learned to never leave belongings unattended while skinny-dipping; now the could-be thief must learn how to disable auto-photo upload features.
- Abandon Windows operating systems to avoid Tor vulnerabilities – and disable JavaScript while you're at it.
- Researchers at RSA consider if attackers will adopt Big Data analytics to build better profiles on victims and mimic their online activity.
- Over at FireEye, their aim is to show the “good guys” how simple it is for cyber criminals to set up their botnets. With a couple of steps removed for the sake of vigilance: “How to build a botnet in less than 15 minutes.”