The 5th of May is World Password Day, the ideal opportunity to raise awareness of passwords with your organisation's staff and senior management.
This is the fourth year passwords have been honoured in this way. The event recurs annually on the first Thursday of May.
To help, we have compiled a few quick resources to help you make the most of this auspicious occasion.
The World Password Day website: here you can test the security of passwords, read advice and even watch videos about the importance of password security (1075 views on Youtube!)
And Billy Austin, VP of security at LOGICnow, has shared a few tips on password safety:
- Consider a Password Manager to store and generate passwords. Password Managers help employees generate sophisticated & unique passwords for each login.
- Change all default passwords on vendor provided devices and applications. The most obvious example we can all relate to is the home wireless router where Admin is the login and ‘Password' is the password.
- Remove all account IDs and Passwords from terminated employees, avoiding unauthorized access. Today's plentitude of logins present a challenge to IT while attackers see this as a potential backdoor into the crown jewels - your data.
Intel has written a blog about the day:
It even has it's own hashtag on Twitter: #PasswordDay
And the National Cyber Security Alliance is holding an online chat about it at 3pm EDT (8pm BST) as you can see from this tweet:
#DidYouKnow May 5 is #PasswordDay? Join a #ChatSTC 5/5, 3 p.m. EDT 4 tips on securing #online accounts. #CyberAware
— NatlCyberSecAlliance (@StaySafeOnline) May 3, 2016