Researchers at Intel have unveiled a new system which prevents PCs from spreading worms and viruses.
Called "Manageability Engine Technology", the new hardware monitors the number of connections being made from a PC and checks security of software running on top.
Justin Rattner, director of corporate technology at Intel, said in his keynote speech at the company's bi-annual developer forum that it had been working on technologies to protect computers "and not harm the environment around them."
"The problem is worms and viruses propagate so quickly, that if you aren't able to respond in manner of minutes the situation gets out of control," said Rattner.
The system works by looking at pattern of behavior associated with worms and viruses, if such patterns are identified, the engine then tells the computer's operating system that an attack is underway and then breaks a connection with the network, limiting the damage caused. The technology could see its way into network interface cards.
Rattner also demonstrated wi-fi security technology aimed at stopping unauthorized user from accessing networks based on where they are in relation to an access point. Called "Precision Location Technology", it triangulates the position of a user's location, out side of a given boundary the user is denied access.