I was glad to see that SC Magazine is beginning to tackle some of the topical issues surrounding information security and not just focus on the latest technology available from the vendor community ("Private matters", SC January, page 38). The issues around privacy and the rights of employees and citizens are only going to increase as the world becomes more complex.
The irony for me is that while the Information Commissioner is rightlyasking for stiffer laws to protect citizens against data abuse, theGovernment has, since 2001, been accused of procedures that runroughshod over personal privacy as it attempts to counter the threatfrom terrorism and organised crime.
To further muddy the waters, as I write, the PM's office is embroiled ina row over alleged hacking of computers at No 10 by the MetropolitanPolice, in the cash-for-honours row. It's a curious world we are livingin, and one increasingly measured in shades of grey. If the Governmentis being hacked by the police, what hope is there for the ordinarycitizen?
David Hardy, Birmingham.