By developing NodeZero, Horizon3.ai can help companies establish a purple team culture, allowing them to continuously evaluate their security postures by identifying, fixing and verifying that any exploitable problem is no longer a threat.
Horizon3.ai has developed, NodeZero, an autonomous penetration testing platform that continuously assesses an enterprise's attack surface, identifying ways an attacker could chain together harvested credentials, misconfigurations, dangerous product defaults, and exploitable vulnerabilities to compromise systems and data.
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NodeZero helps organizations focus on fixing problems that can actually be exploited, saving time and resources spent chasing false positives. Without requiring an agent, customers can assess their entire organization in a matter of hours, versus waiting weeks or months for consultants to manually run scans and produce reports. Horizon3.ai has raised a total of $38.5 million in funding, most recently raising $30 million in Series B funding in November 2021. The company had a seed round of funding, followed by a Series A and B.