Cloud computing breaks down two barriers normally protecting your network – physical and perimeter security – and can increase the threat of unauthorized access to data and applications. Using strong authentication should be considered to ensure only properly identified employees are connected.
In addition, user education of potential security threats, vulnerabilities and adherence to proper protocols is critical to ensuring your cloud environment is secure. Users are susceptible to a variety of threats, especially socially engineered attacks. So, make sure security policies are clearly articulated and employees have an understanding of security protocols.
Businesses can no longer arbitrarily trust that the person accessing the network has authorized clearance. Transactions and access to sensitive data must be pre-empted with re-verification steps to ensure the right person is ordering medications or conducting financial transactions.
Cloud computing brings an array of benefits to businesses, but also brings new levels of vulnerabilities. Involving your security team early in the project and reviewing the security issues above ensures that operating in a cloud doesn't mean you are flying blind.
David Ting is the founder/CTO of Imprivata. He can be contacted at [email protected]