Risk Assessments/Management

The staying power in resiliency


The concept of resiliency – whether we’re talking cybersecurity strategies, job markets or individuals – is particularly resonant these days. True, the resiliency of whole nations and their citizens has been tested in the past.


During the years of World War II, our great grandparents and maybe even some of our parents saw days of rationing and still more stark familial sacrifices. Periods of history that witnessed such vital movements like those seeking equal rights, for instance, were tumultuous, but led to great and positive change (though, arguably, we still have much work to do). Historical examples assailing a people’s fortitude and resolve abound.

Now, though, during a global pandemic that’s new to most generations of people currently walking this earth, our collective mettle and, yes, our resiliency, adaptability all are being challenged in a more forceful and vexing way. We are equal in this worldwide battle; a novel coronavirus jumping from a bat (or maybe, according to recent research, a pangolin) to human shows no prejudice. We all can become infected. Many people may be able to fend it off, but others cannot. Each of us, then, has our part to play for the greater whole. Some may decide to shirk responsibility, claiming our independence from such decidedly compelling duties that serve the well-being of ourselves and others.

In the IT world where physical and cloud-based infrastructures support crucial business and national operations, technologically based systems and their supporting processes and plans, alongside the people who manage them, are absent such autonomy. If cyber resiliency and risk management strategies, as well as business continuity and disaster plans, have been fully embraced, created, tested and modified as needed by organizations’ team members, the dependability and hardiness of the physical and digital structures on which we all rely will win out.

There is a hitch, though: Have organizations prepared enough to deal with catastrophes of this magnitude and larger? Have IT security teams been given support and resources to ensure such plans and  tools to support them are in place? Are various components of these plans tested and progressed as necessary? Are businesses and others ready to remain operational even in the face of whatever massive cyberattacks, physical onslaughts or, like now, massive viral spreads likely impacting employees, customers and others?

Cybersecurity resiliency, risk management and business continuity planning in a world now digitally dependent and connected are paramount. In such times when the physical toll is increasing, the additional loss of the technological underpinnings on which our economy and indispensable societal systems, such as health care, rely priorities. We’ve proven how determined our collective resiliency and grit can be during this pandemic. It justifiably follows that such fortitude and tenacity should be felt in what we create and build and continue to advance. Be well, all.

Illena Armstrong is VP, editorial of SC Media.

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