0patch – Security Patching That Doesn’t Make Your Life Miserable – Mitja Kolsek – ESW #261
0patch is a simple but powerful service that provides tiny targeted security patches to Windows computers, eliminating the most critical vulnerabilities without restarting the computer or relaunching applications. A different approach to patching allows us to both create and deploy 0day patches much quicker than original vendors can with their traditional update processes.
Segment Resources: 0patch Blog with many posts on vulnerabilities and patches we make https://blog.0patch.com/
0patch FAQ https://0patch.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/200441471
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After completing the computer sciences study, Mitja co-founded ACROS Security in 1999, offering application security assessments and penetration testing services to large, mostly US-based customers. Many discovered vulnerabilities and successfully penetrated customer networks later, he co-founded 0patch, a 3rd party security patching service aiming to make penetration testers’ – and more importantly, attackers’ – lives harder.