A Deep Dive Into Software Supply Chain Security – Neatsun Ziv – ASW #231
In this episode, Neatsun Ziv, co-founder and CEO of OX Security, takes a deep dive into software supply chain security. He focuses on the new Open Software Supply Chain Attack Reference (OSC&R), a first-of-its-kind framework for understanding techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers to compromise supply chains. OSC&R was forged by a group led by OX Security with cybersecurity pros from a number of companies, including Google, GitLab, FICO, Check Point, VISA and Fortinet.
Segment Resources: - https://pbom.dev/ - https://github.com/pbom-dev/OSCAR
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Neatsun is the co-founder and CEO of OX Security, the first end-to-end software supply chain security solution. Prior to founding OX, Neatsun was the VP Cyber Security at Check Point where he oversaw all cyber initiatives. His team was one of the first to respond to SolarWinds, NotPetya and other major attacks, working closely with Interpol, Local CERT and other enforcement agencies.