Enterprise Security Weekly


Do phishing tests do more harm than good? & Speed, Flexibility, and AI – Wolfgang Goerlich, Whitney Young – ESW #376

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Cybersecurity has too many distractions and can the White House fix BGP? – Harish Peri, Harry Wilson, Darren Guccione – ESW #375

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How to Make the World Quantum Safe – Vadim Lyubashevsky – ESW Vault

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How to Make the World Quantum Safe – Vadim Lyubashevsky – ESW Vault

What asset management (ITAM) looks like outside cybersecurity – Danny Jenkins, Ed Skoudis, Jeremy Boerger, Maor Bin – ESW #374

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The end of the road for some cyber startups & making detection actually work! – Vivek Bhandari, Vivek Ramachandran, Mike Lyborg, Brandon Potter – ESW #373

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Highlights from BlackHat/DefCon, Vulnerabilities, and Cyber Marketing Challenges – Brett Stone-Gross, Rakesh Nair, Rekha Shenoy, Marty Momdjian – ESW #372

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AI Red Teaming and AI Safety – Sounil Yu, Amanda Minnich – ESW #371

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AI Red Teaming and AI Safety – Amanda Minnich – ESW #371

Cybersecurity’s Love Affair with Distractions – Fred Wilmot, Dani Woolf – ESW #370

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Funding, Cato, Code42, DoS Robots, and Blackhat Prep – ESW #370

Generative AI (as used by defenders AND attackers) will Drive SOC Evolution – Greg Notch, Edward Wu – ESW #369

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AI Ruining the Internet, Crowdstrike Post Mortem, Wiz Walks – ESW #369

Jump-starting SOC Analyst Careers, Addressing Cybersecurity Industry Challenges, and Historic Rumors in Enterprise Security – ESW #368

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If you’re looking for advice and information on enterprise security solutions, look no further than Enterprise Security Weekly! We give you an “insider” perspective into security vendors, including coverage on new product announcements, integrations, funding, M&A, and more! Adrian, Tyler, Katie, and Sean have unique perspectives on the enterprise security landscape. All four hosts are former analysts. Adrian has been a consultant, practitioner, founder, and runs Security Weekly Labs. Tyler has spent many years as a marketing executive for security vendors. Katie has also recently moved to a vendor marketing role. Sean is founder and CTO at Trimarc Security, a professional services company which focuses on improving enterprise security. Together they provide valuable resources for protecting the enterprise and following the market each week!