Special Guests: Charlie Miller, Collin Mulliner, Zach Lanier, Joshua Wright
Without question the security of mobile devices, both old and new, has suffered its share of problems. Since the first phones came on the market sporting the shiny new Bluetooth protocol, attackers moved to take advantage of the mobile device platform (The Cabir worm may be one of the first examples almost 7 years ago to the day). Since then, mobile devices have gained so much more functionality, including Wifi, NFC, SMS (which saw early adoption long before Bluetooth), more robust operating systems, more storage, smaller form factors, and lower cost. Then of course Apple had to get in the mix, then Google, and now, everyone has a smartphone. The really scary part is that we rely on it for communications so heavily, I mean where would we be without a phone that could TXT, email, Tweet and read your Facebook updates? All this functionality has made it essential to have a phone, and even given birth to new buzzwords such as BYOD. With all of this user adoption, functionality, and accessibility comes security FAIL for sure.
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