Co3 handles the worst nightmare of most executives: the aftermath of a successful security incident that hits personally identifiable information of lots of people. These incidents - depending on state laws - easily can run into the millions of dollars in potential restitution, credit monitoring and fines.
Co3 manages post-incident response in all of its facets. In addition, it allows simulations of possible incident scenarios. How is this a cloud or virtualization issue? Unlike some of our other products and services, Co3 is a software-as-a-service and, therefore, is easier and cheaper to deploy than a similar tool on premises. So, instead of simply addressing the virtual world, Co3 lives in it.
The tool makes a distinction between an event and an incident. Events happen all the time. Someone loses a laptop. That's not, at that point, an incident. If the laptop is not recovered in a reasonable period of time, and if it had PII on it, and if it wasn't encrypted, the event could become an incident. Co3 allows you to make the distinction and act accordingly.
We liked this one a lot, and we believe it is a service whose time has come. It is priced reasonably (one incident will put you solidly in the black relative to its cost), it is easy to deploy and has lots of capability.
At a glance
Product: Co3 Systems
Company: Co3 Systems
Price: Starts at $450 per month for the service
What it does: Cloud-based compliance-based incident recovery analysis tool.
What we liked: If there ever was a consequence of compliance it would need to be cleaning up after an incident. This service makes that process about as painless as it can be given the circumstances.