Credant Enterprise Server v7.1.2 protects endpoint data wherever it resides. The solution includes a server, shield and manager components. Credant provides a centrally managed product delivering data-centric, policy-based protection across all data endpoints, including desktops, laptops, handhelds, smartphones, USB flash drives and other removable media. It provides encryption capabilities through the Credant Shields and also management of third-party technologies, such as Windows BitLocker. All encryption types are managed through the same enterprise console to present a single view of compliance/security risks, and to make auditing and reporting simple. The components include the Windows client, which provides on-device policy enforcement; the gatekeeper, which automates device detection; and the server, which provides policy administration and reporting.
Credant supports both Windows and Mac OS, along with Windows Mobile and Symbian OS. We were quite impressed with the full range of protection offered, including encryption enforcement for fixed, removable and mobile devices, as well as port control.
Reporting was very good and provides compliance-level audit trails. Documentation is also very good. Detailed installation docs are provided, and administrative documentation is integrated with the product.
This is a complete encryption offering. Pricing falls in the middle of the spectrum. While it takes some effort to get it installed and configured, the solution offers a vast amount of protection for most devices.