Recently I’ve done some webcasts on various security topics in a few different venues (webcasts and the like). I’ve had several requests for the presentation media, so I’ve updated our presentations section with the following:
- Things That Go Bump In The Network – Embedded Device (In)Security – This presentation outlines some of the vulnerabilities in embedded devices, why you should pay attention to them, and some methods for defense. I also have a copy of the audio version available as well.
- Late Breaking Computer Attack Vectors – February 2008 – This was done as part of a monthly webcast series with Whitehatworld where I break down the latest security threats each month.
- Late Breaking Computer Attack Vectors – March 2008 – This is the most recent LBCAV presentation. Twitter botnets, cool!
I really enjoy doing the monthly threat summary and try to include as many “bleeding edge” threats as I can. Most I pull from my hundreds of security news feeds, and some I pull from my twisted imagination. The webcast had over 200 people listening live, so we are very pleased with the level of interest and thank all those who have attended. If you enjoyed the webcast please share it with all of your friends.
Thanks for listening!