CISO Stories – Resource Page – Data Management

CISO Stories is a monthly program featuring a series of content powered by the 1,200+ members
of CyberRisk Alliance’s CISO Community. Each month, CISO Stories features a topic selected by
CyberRisk Alliance’s CISO Community and will feature four weeks of content that explores the
topic from a variety of perspectives and in a variety of different formats published here.

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Data Management Resources


A CISOs Guide to Data Governance at the Dawn of AI

In this CISO Stories webinar, panelists share their experiences dealing with data management challenges on different platforms and expanding technologies, like AI.

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Improving Your Organization’s Data Security Posture

In this panel discussion, security leaders share their approach to striking the right balance of protecting data while enabling information sharing and innovation.

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The state of data security management

Legacy data-security practices are inadequate for rapid cloud expansion and skyrocketing volumes of information.

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Data security in 8 steps

There are several sequential steps that should be taken as part of an overall DSPM deployment, with the implementation of a DSPM tool as one of…

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Four essential components of a DSPM tool

Data has rightfully become one of the most sensitive and most important assets in an organization’s infrastructure. In the days of on-prem environments only, ensuring that the organization’s…

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Five data security tips for CISOs in the cloud era

Cloud adoption and the exponential growth in data usage, storage, and transfer have made sensitive data a lucrative target for malicious actors. Sensitive data just doesn’t…

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