Privacy, Application security, Government Regulations

Telegram reportedly shared user data with US law enforcement

A close-up view of the Telegram messaging app is seen on a smart phone on May 25, 2017 in London, England. SafeGuard Cyber Division Seven (D7) threat intelligence team located and confirmed an instance where a company’s employees had been targeted in a previously-known cryptocurrency impersonation scheme as far back as July 2022. (Photo by Ca...

Telegram was reported by independent news website 404 Media to have shared more than 100 users' phone numbers or IP addresses in response to over a dozen U.S. law enforcement data requests this year despite previously denying support of law enforcement probes, according to Security Affairs.

Aside from the U.S., Telegram also provided data to fulfill legal requests from Brazil, India, and Europe, noted Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. "In Europe, there was an uptick in the number of valid legal requests we received in Q3. This increase was caused by the fact that more EU authorities started to use the correct communication line for their requests, the one mandated by the EU DSA law," said Durov. Such a development comes more than a week after Telegram issued an updated privacy policy enabling user data sharing in aid of law enforcement investigations. "If any data is shared, we will include such occurrences in a quarterly transparency report published at:," said Telegram.

Telegram reportedly shared user data with US law enforcement

Aside from the U.S., Telegram also provided data to fulfill legal requests from Brazil, India, and Europe, noted Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

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